If it's any consolation, it felt weird.
So this weekend was the weekend of birthdays apparently. My Grandad celebrated his 80th on Friday night and so me and my family piled into the Honda and made the long journey to Swindon to surprise him. My younger brother Daniel and I acted like true grown ups the whole way there.
It was nice. Due to all of my dad's side living in Swindon we usually only ever see them at Christmas so... bonus!
Say hi to the uncle.
Saturday night was a little more hard core. My friend Daniela turned 22 and we went to this club in London called 'Tiger Tiger.'
I spent the first half of the night in McDonalds because apparently it is uncool to meet at the time agreed. Apparently the cool kids all arrive an hour and a half later... Well at least I know now I guess.
It was the 1st time I had ever been to a club where our name was on the list and we were escorted to our own private booth. I felt very Sex and the City like.
There there was a lot of classy white girl dancing on my part and posing incessantly for cameras.
I then got on a bus at silly o'clock and didn't arrive home until after 4am.
I guess there was the possibility that I could have written a blog yesterday as I barely moved from my sofa (I did go to the cinema however, see Killing Bono review for more).
I did try to write a post. I even opened up the 'New post' page, but I had no energy because - and this is the point of the whole blog - I went out Saturday night with the body of a 25 year old and came back with the body of a 50 year old.
No, nothing sags, and as far as I can tell I haven't any wrinkles but, oh.my.DAYS! I felt like I had just run a marathon the next morning! I really don't get how other people in their 20's do it.
I mean it is now 2 days later and I'm still knackered and feeling aches in very weird places.
I can't believe the travesty in the words I'm about to utter, but I fear I may be getting too old for this milarkey.
For my birthday I'm going to have Cross Stitching in the morning, nap time in the afternoon then a good Pride and Prejudice viewing in the evening.
Wanna come?
Fair warning: I am perilously close to bumping into 50. But I have the maturity level of a 10 year-old (a *responsible* 10 year-old with a paper route) and this balances out my body age to something closer to 27. That's math and cannot be disputed. All that aside, I worked in my garden all day yesterday digging trenches, so I feel like the body of a 53 year-old today (more math!).