Dear Youtube,
You are so entertaining.
People seem to prefer you to blog sites.
You make me feel like I can be a really awesome Vlogger because other people are.
You lie.
I try to be funny like your videos.
I subscribe to other funny and amazing people in the vain hope that their amazingness will rub off on me.
I listen to John and Hank Green when they say to me "Don't forget to be Awesome" and I remember every day.
But somehow, the videos I film that I think are really cool when I make them, really don't seem to be that good at all when I watch them back.
I'm blaming you for this Youtube.
I had never had any intention of making films before you came along.
I was happy then.
And now I am sad.
This is your fault.
Fix this please.
Yours lovingly
Dear Blogspot,
Why do you make it so hard for people to find me on your website?
And why do you make it equally as hard for them to follow me when they do find me?
Don't you know that I'm counting on you to make people realise I can be an awesome future author?
Fix this please.
Yours lovingly
Dear Twitter,
You make me feel like a stalker.
That is all.
Yours lovingly
Dear Facebook,
With you, I have 523 friends.
Thanks for that.
Please stop freezing temporarily when people try to instant message me.
Yours lovingly
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