Wednesday, 26 March 2014

My Tina Fey T Shirt. Should be a success.

I massively OD'ed on 30 Rock last night... and then again this morning before work... I'm still reeling from the high.

I am of course (Mum and Dad) talking about the TV show and not some form of mind-altering drug that has entered the streets... although, some might say that laughter is the most mind altering drug of all??? Yes, those people are people who haven't partaken of illicit drugs before, but as I am one of those people, I choose to believe their tales.

Basically, I just wanted to start my post by saying I think Tina Fey is a genius in everything she does and the above is how I chose to do it. I think I've made my point... "Don't do drugs, do Tina Fey." I would totally wear that T Shirt... although I fear for the negative connotation on Tina Fey should the T shirt be misunderstood, if being read out of the context that it was first created, therefore I probably won't make the T Shirt any time soon... unless I wrote something underneath that made it clear what I was intending. Perhaps:

Don't Do Drugs. Do Tina Fey.

I don't mean in a sexual way. Just in a drugs way, like injecting her into your veins. 

Of course then that might lead to a bunch of people taking it literally and heading to Tina Fey's house with needles and syringes, begging for her blood like some kind of blood junkie. Not like a Vampire who settles for drinking blood... noooo, that wouldn't give this junkie enough of a high, they need to inject the blood. I don't want to be responsible for setting a bunch of junkie blood injectors on Tina Fey as she walks home from work one night. That was never my intention. Therefore:

Don't Do Drugs. Do Tina Fey. 

I don't mean in a sexual way. Just in a drugs way, like injecting her into your veins. 

However, please don't inject Tina Fey's blood into your veins. It's probably not even where her genius is stored. 

But then I face the problem of not exactly being clear with what it is that I want the people reading my T Shirt to do in the first place. All I've really done is tell them a bunch of things they shouldn't do. So I would probably have to clarify myself. 

Don't Do Drugs. Do Tina Fey. 

I don't mean in a sexual way. Just in a drugs way, like injecting her into your veins. 

However, please don't inject Tina Fey's blood into your veins. It's probably not even where her genius is stored. 

To be clear, it's Tina Fey's essence you're after. What I'm asking you to do is find her essence and then ingest it somehow.

... Yes, I have made it worse. Hold on.

Don't Do Drugs. Do Tina Fey. 

I don't mean in a sexual way. Just in a drugs way, like injecting her into your veins. 

However, please don't inject Tina Fey's blood into your veins. It's probably not even where her genius is stored. 

To be clear, it's Tina Fey's essence you're after. What I'm asking you to do is find her essence and then ingest it somehow.

Although only do this in a way that doesn't affect the real Tina Fey in any way. I can't afford the mass of law suits that would occur if any of you are confused by my words. 

Reading back, I fear this has become all too confusing and not at all what I was aiming for. Therefore: 

Don't Do Drugs. Do Tina Fey. 

I don't mean in a sexual way. Just in a drugs way, like injecting her into your veins. 

However, please don't inject Tina Fey's blood into your veins. It's probably not even where her genius is stored. 

To be clear, it's Tina Fey's essence you're after. What I'm asking you to do is find her essence and then ingest it somehow.

Although only do this in a way that doesn't affect the real Tina Fey in any way. I can't afford the mass of law suits that would occur if any of you are confused with my words. 

Watch 30 Rock.

There. Done and done. And, in case you're wondering, yes, I do plan on keeping all the above text on the T shirt but crossed out. Makes for a more interesting T Shirt. I shall begin to order them in now. Let me know if you want one.

Peace out my lovelies. 

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